Tuesday, June 26, 2007

interesting read

For those of you out there interested in being a "professional" working mom (note: this is not my term. It's one I adopted from this article!!), a book called Mothers on the Fast Track: How a New Generation Can Balance Family and Careers, is coming out soon. You should check this article out. It's really short, but made some surprising points. First and foremost it points out that "Women who have babies within five years of earning a Ph.D. are nearly 30 percent less likely than women without babies ever to snag a tenure-track position". While I wasn't surprised by this, it really pissed me off. It also hit close to home, seeing as I just one year ago finished my Ph.D., am "having kids" in the next 12 months, AND want a tenure track position in higher academia in the next 2-3 years... Anyway, just for the record, I'm not about to go out and buy the book.


Susan said...

Very interesting. We come at it from the opposite point of view - my husband is a tenure-track professor and there are theories about having kids before the tenure review and the risk of being denied!

S. said...

My SIL is pg and working on finishing her phd--it certainly isn't an easy road for women.