Friday, February 08, 2008

more CIS bull shit

CIS information just came in from our agency... it's bad. US CIS is being amazingly bloody F-ing stubborn, and it appears that b/c our government is unwilling to work particularly hard or with any one, and so our paperwork (and anyone else who is waiting on CIS in Vietnam) is sitting on some idiot's desk in Hanoi and gathering dust. We just got off the phone with our agency and the basic idea is that they (CIS in Vietnam - that's OUR US government, people) can't be bothered to move cases off their desks b/c the people above them don't give a damn about foreign adoptions and it seems that they would rather just NOT DO them. So, paperwork gets to them, and then it sits and sits and sits... and all the while, my son is in a crib, alone.

The basic plan is that while my agency is doing what they can do to advocate for those of us in i-600 LIMBO, we have to take our case to people who might be able to do something (as our agency's and other agency's requests to speed the process has fallen on def ears). Call your congress people, write letters... I'm not sure at this point exactly what to do, but our agency is coming up with a list of things to do, and I'll post it here. Prospects for soon-travel are looking bleak. While some people are traveling sooner (I mentioned one family waited 27 days), others have waited 64 days to hear, and 2 families with my agency waited 80 days to hear about travel... that's our tax dollars at work. Amazing the amount of shit we have to deal with just to get this point...and then this happens.

I'm done. If I keep this up, some very foul words will appear on this site....


Andrea said...

Thinking some foul words of my own. Grrrrr...

Sorry to hear about this BS. And to think we are anxiously waiting just to get our paperwork to CIS. Just one more thing for us to be frustrated about. At least then, we can get our congressman to work for us. Hopefully...

Here's hoping the people at CIS and their superiors see the light (like now!)

Anonymous said...

I knew we had something in common -

email me. a few of us are brainstorming. we are not at the CIS wait yet (still waiting for VN paperwork) but we are gearing up.

Jenny said...

You know I support you. I think though it is all political at this point. And I am not sure what can be done. They work to the beat of their own f-ing drummers. We had the same crap happen while in VN. Lets hope your wait doesn't stretch past the 60 days......