Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Agency conference call RE: VN

BAd. Bad, bad, bad, bad. I can not tell you how bad the out-look in Vietnam adoption is. The only thing I can say with certainty is that things are totally screwed up. CIS couldn't care less about families who are waiting for their babies. If CIS (that's our US government, people) had their way, they'd completely close down the ENTIRE program. So, they are dragging their feet, lying, and out and out being a HUGE pain in the ass.

Right now, families that have waited over the 60 day period SHOULD get their travel approvals (TA) sometime soon-ish. (In fact, our agency had ONE last week. That's ONE SINGLE TA since November). Our case has gone into day 42, I think. Anyway, just over 40 days. That means we are not likely to get our TA any TIME SOON. Not in the next 20 days, anyway. After that, who the hell knows. Minute may very well turn 10 months old before we travel.

Can I just say, it sucks. It makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. I can't even put into words how sick I am right now.


Anonymous said...

Is it now time to go to DC and camp out on someone's door step? Will that make a difference?? I'll go with you. Just say when. Believe me when I say "I feel your pain."

The Gregs said...

I was on the call, too. I hope that we will see some progress soon. Hang in there.

Jill said...

The call for us waiting for referrals was not much more promsing that is for sure. I hope you hear something soon

Susan said...

Heartbreaking. I wish I were nearby - would certainly take you out for retail and alcohol therapy.

Jenny said...

Nesha, that sucks. I hope they do a bunch of approvals, damn CIS and you get your travel soon...URGH.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you. It's hard to believe that something good will come of all this, but I pray that it does. My heart goes out to you and all of us other waiting PAP's. Have you contacted your Congressmen and State Representatives?