Thursday, November 20, 2008

My current life...

is insane. I have checked my personal email like, oh, 2 times in the last month (no joke!). I have emails from October I haven't even opened b/c I don't have time to respond. My work life is crazy busy, and I'm not sleeping. the good news? My Minute Man is wonderful. He is a true joy to see everyday. I am FINALLY feeling like I am getting a "feel" for this parenting thing, and it's not that I did anything really. It's more that MM is PERFECT. He really is (don't believe me? Ask his Grandparents!). He is funny, and cute, and ADORABLE, and it is a real joy to be lucky enough to be his Mom. But, while I'm finally "getting" that down, and keeping up with work, my "social" life is nil. Now, I don't need to go out drinking every night, or even every week; but as any mother out there knows, it sure does help to have an "outlet" to bounce ideas off of, commiserate with, relax over coffee/tea with, swap diaper stories with, etc. I really miss that "down" time with my girlfriends.

The "loss" - for lack of a better term - of one in particular has really been bothering me. She is someone I care very much about, and considered one of my closest friends. She became a mother to a newborn last spring, and it was tough to keep up with her (for obvious reasons!!), and now, we are both mom's, I work full-time, and she's plenty busy with other personal aspects of her own life. But it bothers me that we haven't been able to connect. I have another girlfriend, who is a mother to two adorable kiddos, and she is another of my favorite people. Unlike the first friend I mentioned (whom I haven't heard from in months), this friend keeps TRYING to get up with me, and I keep missing the emails, or the coffee dates! (Don't give up on my, Miss B!).

I guess that trying to balance 2 important aspects of ones life is hard enough. Now, I want to add a third back into it! The timing is tricky of course; with the holidays coming on, I'm afraid that the time for girlfriends is getting less and less, but I am thinking about taking some time off work for some "girlfriend" days. Mr. Minh is great company too, so hell, I might even bring him along to a few. Any takers?? I'd love to catch up with ANYONE I haven't seen in the last month (ok, that's EVERY ONE OF Y'ALL!). Coffee anyone???


Anonymous said...

Hey Nesh!

If I lived in Raleigh, I would be at your doorstep RIGHT NOW...with my kids in tow and two steaming hot mochas :)

BTW, my oldest is now 3 1/2, and it has pretty much been within the last 2 months that I've finally learned that I need play dates, too. So, we leave the kids with a babysitter and go out, or he stays home and I go out. Initially it felt selfish to do it just feels healthy.

And I can't post a comment with out stating the obvious...

GEEEEESH What a sweet little guy!!!


Anonymous said...

well if we were closer...

but if you're ever near san francisco, let me know!


P.S. it's so great to see the updates of your guy.. he is very cute and I'm glad he's been such a great child! So nice to see the love you have in your family.