Monday, October 02, 2006

Playing catch up

I always feel as though I'm running behind. How is it possible that tomorrow is Tuesday already? Ok, ok. Secret guilt, I'm THRILLED it's Tuesday - GG is on!! My GG gal-pal is out of town, so it looks like I'll be wathing it alone...or rather, at home while the boys pester me about it. I think Phil might try to watch it with me, actually. Deep down, I think he loves the show. ;->

I had a wonderful weekend, although I didn't get to catch up with any of my gal-pals. I owe many phone calls, especially to the Mid-westerners out there. Somehow I actually forgot to charge my phone this weekend and managed to forget about it most of the weekend. GASP! Like going outside naked (ok, like going outside naked HERE in Raleigh, not like going outside naked back Home where no one but the deer would notice, and they wouldn't give two hoots about it), I constantly felt I was "missing something". I was! That and my car's in the shop again...anyway, long story short, I had a LOVELY weekend buying much material for hand-bags. I'm down to only 4 orders, so I need to get some more orders to keep me busy!!! What will I do if I run out of projects??!!! I've got months and MONTHS to fill here, people. Help me out! I've been reading other a-parents "To Do Lists". They depress me. They are all like : paint nursery. buy nusery furniture set. go shopping for cute clothes. Our nursery IS painted...but then a 32 year old man moved in. Nursery furniture? Well, what-ever hand-me downs people are kind enough to send our way, basically, is what will go in Baby M's room. Clothes? Well, another a-mom gave me tons of stuff, as did another dear friend. We're mostly set, since I don't have a clue how old Baby M will be, I don't want to shop...ok, now I'm depressing myself again. I'm going to bed before I continue to feel sorry for myself and all the other waiting parents out there...

Is it referral time yet?

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